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Last weekend the Open AIKO World championships were held in Hungary in the town Mosonmagyaróvár which lies between Bratislava (Slovakia) and Györ (Hungary) The competition had around 250+ competitors coming from around 20 countries like Hungary, Khazachstan, Turkmenistan, Germany, Romania, Latvia, Slovakia, Greece, Switzerland, Croatia, Chech Republic, Ukraine, Iran, Netherlands and others.  Working on 4 different tatamis, the various categories were running all day to complete. The

AIKO opens Bulgarian Branch Ashihara International Karate During the Hungarian Summercamp 2017 I met Ayhan Salif Salim, who had already good connections and cooperation with our Turkish branches . After our meeting in this camp we decide to start the cooperation and affiliate by opening the first Branch of AIKO in Bulgaria The main Dojo of Sensei Ayhan is settled in Kirdjali and was established in 2012. We know

Only a few days remain until the New Year, and before it is so far, I want to thank to the people in my life who have been important to me and my environment. It is a pleasure for me to write this letter to express my sincere appreciation for all of the loyal support that you have given me throughout the past year in AIKO,

Italy is growing rapidly in AIKO members, black belts and instructors, which is for our AIKO a challenge to support and give the best to these motivated Budoka and on short term we work out the plans for Italy. Ludovico Alberto Cannas has started his martial arts career 35 years ago with Shotokan Karate. He was promoted as Shodan directly by Hiroshi Shirai Sensei, today 10°