AIKO KAZAKHSTAN RAPIDLY SPREADS OUT !! Under the leadership of Alexandr Zhuravlev who visited the last seminar in Turkey with his students, Kazakhstan is promoting our organisation very well. After Mikhail Makeyev from Taraz city the next affiliation is from the director of the Federation of Ashihara Karate of Pavlodar – Timur Akhmetov.
Sensei Timur has a great experience in coaching; his students are always on the top of the regional and republican competitions.
In the same region, one more AIKO dojo registers in Pavlodar led by Ruslan Temirzhanov, who is also an experienced karate coach.
We warmly welcome both new AIKO Dojos and their students to our organization and will support them in their goals and efforts.
Dave Jonkers Shihan, February 28th, 2018