Ashihara International Karate Organisation

AIKO Newsletter 2021-2022

Dear AIKO Members

Introduction: The year is coming to an end, and unfortunately we are in a lot of countries back to Covid Restrictions and the daily life of working from home. For us in the AIKO we are sad that we can’t give you give all the support we would like to give. But we hope you all are healthy and are with family during the holiday season, and we hope to be talking to you again during the already planned events, and hopefully they will continue. As next year we start a new cycle, this also means we have to think about our financial responsibility’s and about the future of the AIKO. So what is coming, Dojo contribution: As per every year also this year it’s time to pay the dojo contribution, to do so please make payment of 80 euros or 90 dollars, to be paid to the account number NL60INGB0004448427 in the name of Hr D M AIKO-Jonkers, mentioning your dojo name. If you need the Honbu to give you an invoice, please send the request for invoice to the Honbu stating your dojo name, payment date and Payment ID. From next year 01 February 2022 we will create a list on the Honbu site with all the dojo names. Dojo’s that do not live up to the requirements are taken off the list, and they lose the right to perform examinations, students are not allowed to take examinations with the specified dojo. Our organization is not asking for a lot of money, we are not demanding exuberant payment schemes, but we also have bills to pay and want to be able to help dojo’s by coming over and teaching our style. So please pay your contribution, so we can keep on supporting you Organizational changes that are coming: We are going to have an Organizational change, this change will create a more clear overview of the organization, who is in which level and what his or her rights and privileges are. In the coming year 2022 we will be addressing our teachers to participate in this setup of the organization regarding specific topics. 2022 will be the year we will set this up, so we can implement this in 2023. Dan grade Exam requirements: Regarding the Dan grade exam requirements, we want to get more grip and control on the quality and quantity. For this, we are investigating the centralization of applications in control of the Honbu and the delivery of certificates and belts by the Honbu. The examinations will then be done centralized on certain dates throughout countries. With this setup we create 1 Dan grade event per country or region where we create a stage for Dan grades to show their growth and experience. 2022 will be the year we will discuss and investigate this to be implemented in 2023. Agenda countries: The following events are on the Agenda
  • March 2022 – World Championships Antalya, Turkey
  • June 2022 – AIKO Summer camp, Kihon, ‘s-Gravendeel, Netherlands
  • October 2022 – AIKO Autumn/Winter camp, Teamdoragon, Hengelo gld, Netherlands
If you are missing agenda entries please inform us Wishes: From the AIKO Honbu, we want to wish everybody a merry X-mas and a happy new year, stay safe and keep looking out for each other. The world is in change, and we need to make the best of it. Let us all together with our AIKO family do what we can and support each other. With regards The AIKO Board Hanshi Dave Jonkers, Chairman and Chief Technical instructor. Shihan Marcel van den Berg, Vice Chairman, Branch Chief NL and Technical Instructor.